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Jurors FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Jury Duty

I recently received a summons for jury duty. I am an independent building contractor, and if I am not around, the work doesn't always get done properly or in a timely fashion. What are acceptable reasons for excusal from serving on the jury?

The criteria for exclusion from jury include:

  1. Being under prosecution for any crime.
  2. Having convictions in Florida, federal court, or any other state, territory, or county, of bribery, forgery, perjury, larceny or any other Felony convictions.
  3. Holding public office as Governor, Lieutenant Governor, a Cabinet officer, Clerk of Court, or Judge.

If none of these apply, there are other conditions which allow exemption from jury service:

  1. Expectant mothers or parents who are not employed full-time and have custody of a child under the age of 6.
  2. Persons employed as full-time federal, state, or local law enforcement officers, or investigative personnel for these entities.
  3. Practicing attorneys or physicians, or persons who are physically infirm.
  4. Persons who have served as jurors in the county within the past 12 months.
  5. Persons who are 70 years of age or older.
  6. Persons who are responsible for the care of those who, because of mental illness or retardation, senility, or physical or mental incapacity, are incapable of caring for themselves.

None of these conditions applying, the judge does have discretion to excuse persons for reason of hardship or inconvenience. However, such excusals are carefully reviewed, and are not granted automatically.

More Information may also be found here.