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Fee Schedule

Fee Information

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Circuit Civil

Service Fee
Circuit Civil $400.00
– For each defendant over (5) $2.50
– Lis Pendens: Recording fee for 1st page $5.00
– each additional page $4.00
– indexing more than (4) names, for each additional name $1.00
Issue Summons (Per summons, per defendant, includes alias & pluries) $10.00
Counterclaim, Counter Petition, Cross claim, Third-party complaint $395.00
Mortgage Foreclosure/Real Property Actions (Calculate Value of Claim Form)
– Claim: 0-$50,000 $400.00
– Claim: $50,000.01 – $250,000.00 $905.00
– Claim: $250,000.01 or more $1905.00
Mortgage Foreclosure/Real Property Counterclaims (Calculate Value of Claim Form)
 – Claim: 0-$50,000 $395.00
 – Claim:  $50,000.01 – $250,000.00 $900.00
 – Claim: $250,000.01 or more $1900.00
Lis Pendens Recording Fee – 1st page $5.00
Each additional page $4.00
Foreclosure Sale Fee $70.00
Sheriff’s Fee $40.00
Sheriff’s Fee (Immediate Writ) $90.00
Marriage Dissolution/Annulment (Includes Judgment fee $10.50) $408.00
Marriage Dissolution Counterclaim (Initial filing not a Dissolution) $392.00
Paternity, Custody, Support, Visitation or Grandparent Visitation Petition $300.00
Paternity, Custody, Support, Visitation, Grandparent Visitation or Dissolution Counterclaim, Cross claim, Counter petition or Third Party Complaint $295.00
Other Domestic (Adoption, Name Change, Temporary Custody) $400.00
Domestic, Repeat, Date, Sexual Violence Injunction $0.00
Garnishment, Attachment, Replevin, Distress (In addition to filing fee) $85.00
Writ of Garnishment ($85.00 plus $103.00 Attorney & Registry fee) $188.00
Non-resident plaintiff FS 57.011, Fla. Stat. $100.00
Foreign Judgment Enforcement
(Plus appropriate filing fee when action is filed)
Malpractice 90-day extension $42.00
Court Registry Fee – – – (3% for the first $500-1.5% for each additional $100)
Eminent Domain Registry Fee $170.00
Bond Approval $8.50
Reopen Fee *See Information $50.00

County Civil

Service Fee
Small Claims
– $0.00 to $100.00 $55.00
– $101.00 to $500.00  $80.00
– $501.00 to $2,500.00  $175.00
– $2,501.00 to $8,000.00  $300.00
County Civil
– $8,001.00 to $15,000.00  $300.00
– $15,001.00 to $30,000.00  $400.00
– $30,001.00 to $50,000.00  $400.00
Other Civil
– Non-Monetary  $300.00
– $0.00 to $1,000.00  $130.00
– $1,001.00 to $2,500.00(includes $85 replevin fee)  $260.00
– $2,501.00 to $8,000.00(includes $85 replevin fee)  $385.00
– $15,001.00 to $30,000.00(includes $85 replevin fee)  $485.00
– $30,001.00 to $50,000.00(includes $85 replevin fee)  $485.00
– Non-Monetary  $185.00
– $1.00 to $15,000.00  $185.00
– $15,001 to $30,000.00  $185.00
Counterclaim, Crossclaim, Third-Party complaint over $2500.00  $295.00
For each Defendant over (5)  $2.50
Summons (per summons, per defendant, includes alias & pluries)  $10.00
Sheriff’s Fee – per person being served (must be cashier’s check or money order)  $40.00
Sheriff’s Fee (Immediate Writ) – cashier’s check or money order  $90.00
Garnishment, Attachment, Replevin, Distress (in addition to filing fees)  $85.00
Reopen (Claims < $500.00) *See Information  $25.00
Reopen (Claims > $500.00) *See Information  $50.00


Service Fee
Summary Administration < $1,000 $235.00
Summary Administration > $1,000 $345.00
Formal Administration, Ancillary, Curatorship or Conservatorship $400.00
Caveat $41.00
Notice of Trust not filed with probate case $41.00
Disposition of personal property without administration $231.00
Petition to determine heirs $231.00
Petition to open safe deposit box, enter rooms and places $231.00
Petition to admit authenticated copies/exemplified copies or transcript to record $231.00
Petition to Determine Homestead $231.00
Deposit Will $0.00
Foreign Will $231.00
Signing of Oath of Witness to Will $3.50
Reopen fee *See Information $50.00


Service Fee
Guardianship (Person and Property)  $400.00
Guardianship (Person Only)  $235.00
Guardianship (Veterans’ & Advocate)  $235.00
Petition to Settle Minors Claim  $231.00
Petition for Determination of Incompetency  $231.00
Petition for settlement of a Minors Claim  $231.00
Foreign Guardian (To manage property of a foreign ward)  $231.00
Verified Inventory  $85.00
Audit Inventory less than $25,000.00  $20.00
Audit Inventory $25,000.00 or greater  $85.00
Audit Annual Accounting less than $25,000.00  $20.00
Audit Annual Accounting from $25,000.01 to $100,000.00  $85.00
Audit Annual Accounting from $100,000.01 to $500,000.00  $170.00
Audit Annual Accounting over $500,000.00  $250.00
Maintain Professional Guardian File  $7.50
Reopen Fee *See Information  $50.00


Service Fee
Appeal from County to Circuit $281.00
Cross appeal- County to Circuit Court for claims over $2,500 F.S. 34.041(1)(c) $295.00
Appeal to District Court of Appeal: (Separate Checks)
– Fee to Clerk of Circuit Court $100.00
– Fee to Clerk of DCA (payable to DCA) $300.00
– Fee to Clerk of Supreme Court (payable to Florida Supreme Court) $300.00
Certification of Clerk $7.00
Preparing, numbering, and indexing record (per instrument) $3.50

Marriage License

Service Fee
Marriage license application, preparation, administering oath; issuing, sealing, recording, and providing certified copy of marriage license:
– without premarital preparation course 28.24(23), 741.02, 741.01(1-4) Fla. Stat. $86.00
– with premarital preparation course 28.24(23), 741.02, 741.01(1-2),741.0305 Fla. Stat. $61.00
Duplicate or amended marriage license: 28.24(23) Fla. Stat. $30.00

Domestic Relations/Child Support

Service Fee
Payoff Statement: 61.14(6)(f)(1) Fla. Stat/Payoff Statement: 61.14(6)(f)(1) Fla. Stat/ $25.00
Delinquency Final Judgment Charge: 61.14(6)(d) & (e) Fla. Stat. $25.50 + costs
Preparation of Satisfaction Document: 28.24(8) Fla. Stat. $7.00
Recording of Satisfaction of Delinquency Final Judgment:
28.24(12), 61.14(6)(f)(2) Fla. Stat.
Central Depository Fee for Support Payments: 61.181(2) Fla. Stat.
– Each support payment up to $25.00 $1.00
– Each support payment between $25.00 and $131.25, additional fee 4%
– Each support payment greater than $131.25, additional fee $5.25
Partial Release of Certificate of Delinquency
(doc. prep. per 28.24(8) Fla. Stat.)

Miscellaneous Services

Service Fee
Making a copy of any court record or recorded document by photographic process:
– To 8½ x 14 maximum, per page: 28.24(5)(a) Fla. Stat. $1.00
– Larger than 8½ x 14, per page: 28.24(5)(b) Fla. Stat. $5.00
Making microfilm copies of any public records:
– 16mm 100´ microfilm roll or less: 28.24(6)(a) Fla. Stat. $42.00
– 35mm 100´ microfilm roll (plats only): 28.24(6)(b) Fla. Stat. $60.00
CD/DVD duplication: (Except Recording info) 119.07(4)(a)3 Fla. Stat. $42.00
Preparation of document, including signing and sealing per page: 28.24(8) Fla. Stat. $7.00
Indexing each entry not recorded: 28.24(9) Fla. Stat. $1.00
Certifying copies of any instrument in the public records: 28.24(3) Fla. Stat. $2.00
Verifying any instrument presented for certification prepared by someone other than clerk or deputy clerk, per page: 28.24(4) Fla. Stat. $3.50
Searches of records (Per Department, Per Person, Per Year) 28.24(20) Fla. Stat. $2.00
Oath, administering, attesting and sealing: 28.24(13) Fla. Stat. $3.50
Preparing affidavit of domicile: 28.24(15) Fla. Stat. $5.00
Court Registry Fee (3% for the first $500-1.5% for each additional $100)
Transfer of judgment lien to security certificate, making and serving: 55.10(5) Fla. Stat. $15.00
Transfer of mechanics lien to security certificate, making and serving: 713.24(1)(b) Fla. Stat. $20.00
Additional charge for each additional Judgment lien: 55.10(5) Fla. Stat. $7.50
Additional charge for each additional Mechanics lien: 713.24(1)(b) Fla. Stat. $10.00
For indexing and recording the lienor’s certificate of compliance for enforcement of lien by sale of motor vehicle: 713.585(4) Fla. Stat. $10.00
Subpoena – signing and sealing witness subpoena: 28.24(18)(b) Fla. Stat. $2.00
Preparing witness subpoena or summons: 28.24(18)(a) Fla. Stat. $7.00
Expungement/Sealing – sealing any court file or expunging any record: 28.24(25) Fla. Stat. $42.00
Exemplified Certificates, including signing and sealing: 28.24(16) Fla. Stat. (cost of copies and certification extra in accordance with fees set forth above) $7.00
Home solicitation Permit: 68.07 Alachua Code; 501.022(2) Fla. Stat. $100.00
Return check charge: 68.065(2) & 832.08(5) Fla. Stat.
– if face amount of check does not exceed $50.00) $25.00
– if face amount of check is $50.01-$300.00) $30.00
– if face amount of check exceeds $300.01 $40.00 or 5% Whichever is greater. $40.00 or 5%
Restitution payments – receiving and disbursing, per payment: 28.24(26) Fla. Stat. $3.50
Tax Deed Sale: Processing application, sale, issuance and preparation of tax deed, and disbursement of proceeds of sale other than excess proceeds: 28.24(21) Fla. Stat. $60.00
Disbursement of excess proceeds, each $100 or fraction: 28.24(22) Fla. Stat. $10.00
For indexing and recording the lienor’s certificate of compliance for enforcement of lien by sale of motor vehicle: 713.585(4) Fla. Stat. $10.00
Attorney appearing pro hac vice $100.00

Reopen Fee Information

Reopen fee does not apply to writs of garnishment, replevin, distress, attachment; motion for rehearing filed within 10 days; motion for attorney’s fees filed within 30 days; motion for dismissal after mediation agreement filed; a disposition of personal property without administration; any probate case prior to discharge of personal representative; any guardianship pleading prior to discharge; any mental health pleadings; motion to withdraw by attorneys; motions exclusively for the enforcement of child support; petitions for credit of child support; stipulations; responsive pleadings; and cases in which there is no initial filing fee.